
Beads are mostly made of glass, bone, porcelain, shells, paper, clay, metals, gemstones, ivory, and even wood. Known to exhibit style and sophistication, beads jewelry is one of the accessory trends that never go out of style. After glass beading gained popularity, mass production of beads began after the 1800s. Eventually, handcrafted beads for jewelry making became a status symbol. Starting from necklaces to earrings, bracelets, waistbands, and more, beads are an integral part of the jewelry industry.

If you are on the hunt for an affordable wholesale bead supplier in the USA, you have landed on the right page. Purity Beads Purity Inc. is among the fastest-growing metal beads and semi-precious stones wholesaler in the United States. Based out of Charlotte, North Carolina, we source our products from India. Out bestselling products include handmade copper beads, handmade silver-plated copper beads, gold-plated copper beads, casting beads, wholesale jewelry findings, and a selection of semi-precious stones. Over the past 10 years, we have marked our way into the jewelry business offering quality products to our customers at competitive prices and offering them a selection of tending jewelry designs.

Browse through our online bead store and pick the type of beads for jewelry making that you require at budget-friendly prices.

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