8to 20 Pcs. Gold Finish and Silver plated Brass Semi Circle Blanks/Semi Circle Pendant, Brushed Finish, E-coated, Available in three Size.

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You Will get a Pack of 8Pcs To 20. Semi Circle Pendant/ Raw Brass Semi Circle Blanks


32mmX20mm, these have 7 holes across the bottom (8 Pcs. each pack) #588
25X13mm, these have 5 holes across the bottom (15 Pcs. each Pack) #592
20X9mm, these have 3 holes across the bottom (20 Pcs. each Pack) #596


Gold Finish And Silver Plated.

Brushed finish
Handmade Pendant/ Findings

Made out of Copper Or Brass

Our E-Coating keeps the finish long

NOTE: All the sizes and descriptions are approximate for these handmade findings

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