Curved Tubes (Gold Finished/Silver Plated) | Purity Beads

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These tubes are Available in 4 colors and 3 sizes:


Gold Finish
Silver Plated
Copper Plated
Gunmetal Plated


68mmX4.5mm (8Pcs.)  Hole size is 3mm
41mmX3mm (15Pcs.)   Hole size is 2mm
28mmX3mm (20Pcs.)   Hole size is 2mm

E-coated (Copper color tubes are NOT E-coated)
Brushed finish
Handmade Tubes
Curved Tubes

NOTE: All the tubes are made out of copper and then they are plated in different colors. (Even Copper Tubes are plated with copper to keep the color uniform)

Finish Stays longer With Our E-Coating

All the sizes are approximate for these handmade items

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