1 Strand of Round Beads | Brushed | Anti Tarnished | Copper/Brass Beads | Gold Finish and Silver Plated | Size- 6,8,10,12,14,16mm

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1 Strand of Round Shape Beads | Center Hole | Brushed | Anti Tarnished | Copper/Brass Beads | Gold Finish | Size- 6,8,10,12,14,16mm

We Offer Two Colors:

Gold Finish
Silver Plated

Seven Sizes:

6mm (36 Beads Approx.)
8mm (26 Beads Approx.)
10mm (20 Beads Approx.)
12mm (17 Beads Approx.)
14mm (15 Beads Approx.)
16mm (13 Beads Approx.)
18mm (12 Beads. Approx.)

Brushed Finish
Anti Tarnish Finished

Plating Stays longer for these Anti Tarnished beads.

All descriptions and sizes are approximate for these beads/findings.

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