One Strand of Brass Nuggets, Brushed Finish, Choice of 3 Colors (Gold Finish, Silver, Gunmetal) AND 5 Sizes: 2, 2.5, 4, 5, 6, 7,8mm. | Purity Beads

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These are Brass Nuggets.

Strands are about 8 inches long.

There are four sizes available:

2mm (about 110 nuggets in a strand)
2.5mm (about 75 nuggets in a strand)
4mm (about 57 nuggets in a strand)
5mm (about 40 nuggets in a strand)
6mm (about 30 nuggets in a strand)
7mm (about 20 nuggets in a strand)

8mm (about 25 nuggets in a strand)

Here are approximate hole size for all the nuggets we carry.


There are three colors available:

Gold Finish (It is NOT real gold, it is just a color looks like gold, it has anti-tarnish plating which keeps it from tarnishing)
Silver Plate (Sterling Silver plated over brass and it has anti-tarnish plating which keeps it from tarnishing)
Gun Metal Plated (Gunmetal Plated over brass and it has anti-tarnish plating which keeps it from tarnishing)

All Descriptions and size are approximate...

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